Resolution 0303092020
WHEREAS, the Governor of Indiana, Eric Holcomb, did declare by Executive Order 20-20 on March 6, 2020 a State of Health Emergency does exist and as affirmed by Indiana State Board of Accounts State Examiner Paul Joyce March 12, 2020 and according to the authority of IC 10-14-3-1 et.seq.,
WHEREAS, the Declaration recognizes the presence of and community spread of the contagious and potentially life-threatening Novel Corona Virus.
WHEREAS, this recognition authorizes Indiana Governmental units to take actions designed to lessen the threat of the contagion for their employees and those who utilize the public services offered by that unit. With the intent to maintain operations of our unit of local government as normal or as near normal as possible while maintaining the wellbeing of township employees and the public.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, until the State of Heatlh Emergency is ended, the Perry Township Trustee employees will be paid accoarding to the Monroe County Personnel Policy Handbook section 5.15 (Emergency Closing).
THIS AUTHORITY shall remain in force until revoked either by the Township Board or the Declaration by the Governor that the Health Emergency Declaration has expired.