Perry Township - Monroe County, IN

Township Maps

Perry Township Offices

Find out if You are a Perry Township Resident

To find out if you are a resident of Perry Township, view the interactive map shown below, or visit the map here and enter in your address in the search box. If your address falls within the 6 mile square that is Perry Township, then you are likely a resident. Addresses near the edge of the border shown on the map may or may not be residents. To verify your residency, please call us at (812) 336-3713.

Why Should You Know if You are a Resident?

Only Perry Township residents are eligible for emergency assistance from the Township. If you need emergency assistance and are not a resident of Perry Township, please contact the township in which you reside. For a rough breakdown of the townships of Monroe County, Indiana and their approximate locations, visit the map here. For additional assistance to those seeking aid either inside or outside of Perry Township, dial 211.

Monroe County Precincts Map

To view a map of the Monroe County precincts and polling locations, visit the Monroe County Government website here. For a full list of district maps, including Commissioner Districts, Council Districts, etc., visit the Monroe County Voting Boundary Maps site here.

For more information on voting in Monroe County, voting requirements, voting by absentee ballot, finding your polling place, how to become a candidate, how to become a poll worker, and much more, feel free to visit or visit the Indiana Voter Portal at

Monroe County GIS Map

Monroe County Government provides the following GIS website as a free value-added service for the citizenry of the County. The Monroe County Government and 39 DEGREES NORTH formed a partnership in January 2005 to create an online, computer-based mapping application for Monroe County. Known as a Geographic Information System (GIS), the application presents information on a variety of themes such as parcel boundaries, road infrastructure, emergency management, etc.

For more information, to access the application, and to create a free account, visit the Monroe County GIS Division website.