Bloomington High School South's National Honor Society Donates to Bobby's Pantry
Trustee Dan Combs accepts a donation of 798 pounds of food raised through a food drive by the Bloomington High School South National Honor Society during the days preceding their Spring Break. Bloomington South National Honor Society Faculty Sponsor Megan Parmenter is in the right rear row of the group photo. Also, very much appreciated is the award of a check for $250.00 from the Society to the Food Pantry, “Bobby’s Pantry,” for the purchase of other needed items.
Most clients of the Township Food Pantry are drawn from Bloomington South’s enrollment district. The NHS Food Drive was the first drive ever conducted for the Township, even as the food pantry has been in existence since 1988. The Township does accept donated food and sealed household supplies for the pantry at the Township campus, located at 1010 S. Walnut St. during the normal food pantry hours of 9am to 3pm weekdays, excluding Holidays and Weekends.
The name “Bobby’s Pantry” was applied to the original facility at the Township’s first in-city location of 1404 S. Walnut St. in order to memorialize an appearance by the late Senator Robert Kennedy just three blocks west of the site during his 1968 Presidential Campaign.