Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, February 14, 2024
The meeting is called to order at 12:30 pm
Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Susie Hamilton, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Sharon Yoder and Branden Surigao
- Election of Officers
- Nepotism Policy
- Annual Report
- TA-7 Report
- Rainy Day Fund Resolution
- Encumbrance Resolution
- Transfer from Debt Service Bond Fund
- Disposition of Checks
- Guidelines (Signing Only)
- Other
- Deric's position added to PERF
- Reminder of Meeting (Forrest Presentation, Long Term Facilities and Financial Plans, Personnel Policy)
- Video Conference Policy
- Dan Out of Office
Election of Officers
Jack nominates Barb as President, Susie seconds, all agree. Barb nominates Jack to be secretary, Susie seconds, all agree.
Nepotism Policy
We are in compliance with the Township's Nepotism on Employment and the Township's Nepotism policy on Contracting and policies are still being followed.
Annual Report
Dan explains the annual report. Each board member is offered a copy of the annual report. Dan states that the Rainy Day Fund receipts were $75,000.00, disbursements were $56,737.97, and the ending balance was $332,613.35. Dan also states that the Township Fund beginning of the year's balance was $441,917.17, receipts were $507,809.84, and distributions were $578,741.54. This leaves the ending balance at $370,985.47. Donations have picked up. Township Assistance beginning balance was $673,911.25, receipts were $645.298.33, disbursements were $640,671.79, and the ending balance was $678,537.79. Dan gives a breakdown to the board on the larger expenses throughout the year. Barb accepts the annual report, Jack seconds, all agree.
TA-7 Report
Branden explains the Township Form 7 and the breakdown of how many people the township has served throughout the year. We had about 424 more requests this year than the previous year and gave out more money from the budget than the previous year. The in-kind value is $1,702,142 more than the previous year. The number of cremations was $16,890.00 less than the previous year. The food pantry has served 354 more households, 994 more recipients, and $41,475 more in food distributed this year than in the previous year.
The board wonders if our stats are back to pre-pandemic stats. Branden states that he would have to look into that further but thinks that part of the increase is because the prices of everything has gone up.
Rainy Day Resolution
It is proposed to transfer $75,000 from General Fund into the Rainy Day Fund. Barb makes the motion, Jack seconds, all agree, the motion passes.
Encumbrance Resolution
Dan states that there are some outstanding bills from 2023 that have not yet come in. These bills will need to be paid from the 2023 budget but will not come until 2024 so there has to be an encumbrance resolution in place in the amount of $5,878.74. The Board approves.
Transfer from Debt Service Bond Fund
There is $1,371.61 in the debt service fund that needs to be transferred into the General Township Fund in order to close out the Debt Services Fund. Barb motions to close out the Debt Services Fund and transfer the money into the General Township Fund, Jack seconds, all agree, the resolution passes.
Disposition of Checks
The check listed is being taken off the books. The board has acknowledged the disposition of this check.
The guidelines have been amended for the new year to 150% poverty guidelines for income. The benefit levels have been increased as well. The board has signed off on these changes.
The board and Dan discuss adding Deric's position to PERF. The board already approved allowing his position to be full-time. The board approves.
The next meeting is February 27, 2024, at 2pm to meet with Forrest about Friend's Place. Dan discusses with the board that they will need to think about the long-term plans for that building as well as future outlooks for the office building as well. A personnel policy must be uploaded to the state as well so is another item that Dan asks the Board to think about before the next meeting and they were given a copy of the current policy to look over.
Hotels for Homeless budget policy is addressed with the Board. It is agreed to give Hotels for Homeless $2,000.00 to pay for the hotel stays for individuals they put into hotels during the polar vortex.
Dan mentions that since he had to miss his trip to England in December he will be going the end of March into the beginning of April.
The Video Conference Policy according to state law was presented to the board for them to look over since the Township has to have a policy.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:00pm.