Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, February 15, 2023
The meeting is called to order at 12:30 pm
Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Susie Hamilton, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Sharon Yoder, Branden Surigao, Amanda Higgins, Nancy Duncan
- Fence at Finley Cemetery
- Annual Report
- Township Form 7 (TA-7) Report
- Rainy Day Resolution
- Encumbrance Resolution
- Disposition of Checks
- Guidelines (Signing Only)
- Set Next Meeting Date (Items for agenda)
- Furnace and Water Heaters at Dodds/Wylie Apartments
- Fence at Friend's Place
- Outside Lighting
- Desks
- Other
Fence at Finley Cemetery
Annual Report
Dan explains the annual report. Each board member has received a copy of the annual report prior to the meeting. Dan states that the beginning of the year's balance was $1,411,237.48, receipts were $1,271,466.35, and distributions were $1,215,420.58. This leaves the ending balance at $1,467,283.25 which is a little higher but we had Commissioner funds come in. The biggest recipient of township assistance funds is corporations and big landlords. The rent-controlled complexes are the complexes that are the largest recipients. Barb motions to accept the annual report, Susie seconds, all agree and motion passes.
TA-7 Report
Branden explains the Township Form 7 and the breakdown of how many people the township has served throughout the year. We had about 100 more requests this year than the previous year and gave out more money from the budget than the previous year. The in-kind value is $855,213.00 less but most of that is from Hoosier Hills and the amount of donations they have received. The number of cremations has risen again this year by $11,595.00, due to the increase in requests not the increase in prices. The food pantry has been busier but the amount of food going out is less since the amount of food we have in stock to give out is less.
Rainy Day Resolution
It is proposed to transfer $75,000 from General Fund into the Rainy Day Fund. Barb moves to allow the move, Susie seconds, all agree, the motion passes.
Encumbrance Resolution
Dan states that there are some outstanding bills from 2022 that have not yet come in such as the Hoosier Builders Contract for the deck at Friend's Place, three computers from PC Max, and the new copy machine. These bills will need to be paid from the 2022 budget but will not come until 2023 so there has to be an encumbrance resolution in place in the amount of $17,690.00. The board has now been made aware of this.
Disposition of Checks
The checks listed are being taken off the books. The board has acknowledged the disposition of these checks.
The guidelines have been amended for the new year to 150% poverty guidelines for income. The benefit levels have been increased as well. The board has signed off on these changes.
Next Meeting
Next meeting is scheduled for March 1st , 2023 at 12:30pm. Items that need to be discussed will be getting new furnaces and water heaters at Dodds/Wylie Apartments, Fence at Friend's Place, Outside lighting at the Township, Desks, and a couple of other things.
The board was introduced to Nancy the new Food Pantry Coordinator. She has recently gotten in contact with Bloomington High School South and will be coordinating a Christmas food drive with them in November.
Jack has asked for Dodds/Wylie Apartments 2022 yearly breakdown. Branden will bring it to the next meeting.
Meeting was concluded at 12:37 pm.