Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, March 1, 2023
The meeting is called to order at 12:30 pm
Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Sharon Yoder, Branden Surigao, Caylan Evans, William Morris
- Fence at Finley Cemetery
- Furnaces & Water heaters at Dodds/Wylie Apartments
- Fence at Friend's Place
- Fence Modification
- Friend's Place Parking Lot Drainage
- Outside Lighting
- Desks
- Other
Fence at Finley Cemetery
Caylan Evans is the homeowner next to the Finley Cemetery. The cemetery property has an easement that aligns with his property. He has started a stone fence along his property and wants to continue the fencing around the rest of the home as well as the cemetery property. He hires a landscaping crew that does the work. Caylan is willing to build the stone fence wall around the cemetery and keep up the maintenance on the fence as long as he lives in the house at his own expense. The fence would be a stacked stone wall standing about two and half to three feet high and would not disturb any of the nature in the area. The Trustee has asked to add an addendum to the easement that no chemicals be used on the grass around the new fence in order to help with the future maintenance. The cost is really low and he is hoping to have it started in the next couple of months. William will draw up an agreement for the building and maintenance of the fence. Barb motions that the township allow Caylan to build the fence, Jack seconds, all agree.
Furnaces and Water Heaters at Dodds/Wylie Apartments
The utility closets are too small so the electrician is recommending that the township get tankless water heaters to fit in the space better. Dan is recommending that the township do the jobs in increments and set the goal at replacing five a year. The water heaters need replaced and the furnaces need repaired but cannot be reached since the water heaters are in front of them and the space is so small which is why the recommendation for the tankless water heaters. The township will get quotes on the work to be completed then make a bid on the lowest quote. Once the water heaters are replaced the furnaces and air conditioning will be looked at. Barb would like to see all the water heaters replaced at once to avoid unnecessary emergencies in the future.
Fence and Parking Lot Drainage at Friend's Place
The privacy fence around Friend's Place has been damaged and the township has been trying to get two different quotes. The two quotes for the replacement have finally been acquired and have been presented to the board. The previous drainage issue was resolved but a new drainage issue has arisen. The pavement in that area would have to be shaved down so the water would drain correctly. The pricing would include fixing this issue plus repaving the rest of the parking lot and repainting. Hoosier Dream Builders is the more expensive quote but the township will not have to pay for a portion of the work done upfront. The Board agrees to go with this contract.
Outside Lighting
Branden discusses the quote for the four new outside motion sensor lights along the backside of the township buildings. The board agrees.
Dan presents getting new desks for the township. The office would need approximately 8 new desks for the office. The board agrees to allow to move forward on the purchase of desks.
Dan wants to talk about the possibility of expanding the building in the near future.
Meeting was concluded at 2:00 pm.