Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, March 25, 2021
Executive Meeting
The Executive meeting is called to order at 4:15 pm
Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Susie Hamilton, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Pat Combs, Sharon Yoder, William Morris
- Discuss Potential Legal Issues
Discuss Potential Legal Issues
The Trustee and William Morris met to discuss potential legal issues.
Meeting was ended at 4:20pm.
Public Board Meeting
The Public Board meeting is called to order at 4:20 pm
Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Susie Hamilton, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Pat Combs, Sharon Yoder, William Morris
- Other Reports
- Bathrooms at Friend's Place
Other Reports
William Morris the new attorney was introduced. Barb reported that there were no decisions made during the executive meeting and no pending litigations at this time. Barb motions to approve this summary, Susie seconds the motion all agree. The plan is to ask the city, the county, and the police what their actual policies are in writing so we can put things together and come up with policies and way to help deal with and advocate for the homeless situation. The board agrees with an executive level exploratory correspondence with the city and county with reports to follow.
Bathrooms at Friend's Place
The windows have been installed and the workmanship was satisfactory to everyone. The reopening of the building is unknown and dependent upon the new COVID relief bill. They are trying to transition people out of the winter shelter to somewhere else at this time. Pat has contacted the architect and asked if we could get the rest of the plans done under quotes instead of bids. The architect said it may July or August. Dan asks to board to amend to allow the use of quotes instead of bids to get the bathrooms finished. The board agrees to separate the whole repair of Friend's place into smaller parts and get quotes instead of bids.
The meeting was concluded at 4:54 pm.