Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: May 17, 2017
The meeting is called to order at 4:15 pm
Members Present: Barb Sturbaum, Jack Davis, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Pat Combs, Sharon Yoder, Novella Shuck, Laura Blaker, Mike Alexander (Alexander Electric), James Britton (Prince Electric)
- Review and Accept Quotes for Lighting of Building A and B
- Temporary Clerical Position
- Building Repairs
- Parking Lot Update
- Window Leak/Crack Blocks
- Carpet/Tile Bathroom
- Other
- Net Results Final Report
Review and Accept Quotes for Lighting of Building A and B
The Township is replacing the lighting in its main office building because the current ones are fluorescent and cost about $50 every time one of them goes out and needs to be replaced. The money for this project is already budgeted, so the Township didn’t necessarily need to get bids on this project, but nevertheless got two different bids for two different systems. Both systems will be converting the lighting system to LED. The cost is budgeted, and they didn’t really need to bid out, but they did. Because it is budgeted, though, the board does not necessarily need to go with the cheaper bid.
Price Electric bid $4,200 for the project, with an exterior light for an additional $270. Their lighting plan uses round fixtures (aprox. 1’ in diameter) that would be inserted into the ceiling. They would also touch up the ceiling to cover the discoloration where the current fluorescent strips are. Alexander Electric bid $6,132 for the project, which would replace the two rows of fluorescent light strips with two rows of LED lighting strips. They plan to connect with Duke Energy to get energy credits to get a reduction in their price. The board discusses the pros and cons of each project, including the additional work that touching up the ceiling may cost under Price Electric’s plan.
Barb moves to accept Alexander Electric’s bid. Jack seconds the motion, and all vote “Aye.”
There is a 5-year limited warranty for the project, with a one year warranty on the light fixtures and an additional 4-year warranty on the parts.
Temporary Clerical Position
Sharon and Dan reviewed the Township bulletin regarding Township documents that the Township is no longer required to keep in storage. Currently the Township has documents dating back up to 30 years, so there is a lot of paperwork for the office to dispose of. Different classifications of documents have different “expiration” dates, though. The Township used to have a summer clerical position in the summer which has not been used for many years, but which Dan would like to activate now. This person would search through our boxes of documents and retrieve documents the Township needs to preserve, and then get rid of the rest. This person would also, if they finish going through the records early, shift over to help the case investigators with the food pantry, since Dan and Pat will be gone for 3 weeks, and the food pantry is taking up an increasing amount of the case investigators’ time.
There is an allotment of $11,710 for a clerical position in the budget. $3,000 of that is already going to Novella per year for completing web work. Dan anticipates the clerical position to last for around 6 weeks this summer, over which he would like to pay out a maximum of $5,670. The job would go from 9am to 3pm daily for the temporary position, and the worker would earn $12.50 per hour, as that is the maximum hourly amount stipulated in the Township Form 17 for this position in the budget, and it cannot be increased at this point, even though the Trustee is a big supporter of the $15 minimum wage. Because this is a temporary position but is not a personal services contract, the employee would pay employment taxes, but would not pay into PERF. Dan also states that depending on how much traffic increases to the food pantry and what the federal government does regarding SNAP and other basic benefits, a permanent staffer may need to be considered in the future.
Barb moves to accept the hiring of a temporary staffer, Jack seconds the motion, and all vote “Aye.”
Building Repairs
Parking Lot Update
The 120 days in which the parking lot project needed to be completed has passed, and there a few tasks left to complete, but they are on a checklist that is being worked through. They have already completed a final walk-through and Jeff Bynum states that the parking lot and the storage building are functional.
Window Leak/Cracked Blocks
When it rains heavily or for extended periods of time, water comes in through the edges of the windows and up through the blocks under the building. The Township is getting quotes to have the windows and cracks in the blocks sealed.
Carpet/Tile Bathroom
The bathroom in the Township Assistance side of the office (that clients use) flooded recently, so the toilet was re-anchored and sealed. That bathroom is currently carpeted though, and so they are going to have the carpet pulled and lay tile in there instead next week.
NetResults Final Report
After a 2nd go-around, all of the Township’s client case notes have been restored to the system and are back online, aside from only about nine cases where the notes were lost for good. A final report is given to the board. Three township employees spent 7-9 hours on a Saturday working with Conner from NetResults, and then Sharon and Pat spent an additional 3 hours on a later weekday finishing up some missed cases.
Barb adjourns the meeting at 4:43pm.