Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, June 16, 2021
The meeting is called to order at 4:15pm
Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Sharon Yoder, Pat Combs, William Morris, Margaret Clements
- Line Item transfer for Shelter space
- Update from William Morris
- New Security System
- COVID Restrictions Update
- Other
Line Item Transfer for Shelter Space
After speaking with the contractor plan moving forward to complete the work on Friend's place is that no one will be allowed in the building between 7am and 4pm while the construction is taking place. Portable toilets will be rented and placed on the property during the time and the Shalom Center will have their showers available to use. So a line item transfer for the shelter space is no longer needed at this time.
Update from William Morris on the Request of Information from the City and the County June 2nd
William sent out a request for public records to the City and the County. Dave Shilling from the County responded saying he was going on vacation and would get back with William when he returned. However, he has been back a week and even though William has called he has not gotten back. William did speak with Ms. Guthrie about the records requested. She suggested it might be easier to just have a meeting than trying to get all of the records together. Don Griffin has also called wanting to meet up and talk. Dan says that he feels that a meeting feels informal. The board feels that having it on paper will make it referable in the future. Dan and the board agree that William should send a demand letter for the public records.
New Security System
People have been unplugging the security cameras and recently there has been vandalism to one of the windows. Dan suspects people have been staying behind the building since the cameras are getting unplugged daily and food wrappers and cigarette butts keep being found in the same place. Pat figures that the system is around ten years old and there are a few blind spots. Dan asks if we can look around to get a new system. The board says it is time to upgrade and to start calling around.
COVID Restriction Update
If the client has proof of COVID vaccine they can come into the office and do the application process as normal before shutdown. If they have not had the vaccine then they will turn in their documents at the door, copies will be made and given back to them, application will be signed, and a phone call interview will take place while they sit in their vehicle in the parking lot. If they do not have the technology then the caseworkers will conduct the interview outside the building keeping six foot distance. These new restrictions will be put up on the website and clients will be notified when they call in and/or schedule.
Margaret Clements has contacted the township in hopes to organize a remonstrance to the annexation. She is asking to use the meeting room as space for the residents to come and sign a petition against the annexation in this area as some of the residents have stated their concern about the annexation high increase in the taxes and not being able to afford it. The board believes that this is a great use for the meeting room under the condition that it is understood that the trustee is not taking a stand one way or another on the annexation. Dan brings up that allowing one such group to use the meeting room may mean that a resolution may need to be put into order for the future and other groups or organizations and their usage of the meeting room. William states that he will look in to the legal aspects of the need for such a resolution.
The decision is made to verbally agree to a resolution that the trustee gets one vote and the board gets one vote and they decide together on the usage of the meeting room. Dan votes to allow Margaret and her group to use the meeting room to set up and sign the petition for remonstrance to the annexation. Barb also votes to approve the usage of the meeting room, Jack seconds, and all agree. The website will be updated with a page that has county and township contacts for the annexation.
The meeting was concluded at 5:05 pm.