Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: October 8, 2015
The meeting is called to order at 3:15 pm
Members Present: Barb Sturbaum, Susie Hamilton, Jack Davis, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Pat Combs, Sharon Yoder, Novella Shuck, Waine Martin, Jeff Baldwin
- Presentations by new Leaf New Life and Boys and Girls Club
- Awarding of Community Grants
- Approval/Acceptance of the 2016 Budget
- Township Form 17
- Other
- Bug Room
- Parking Lot
- Community Sheltering Project
- Computers
Presentation for New Leaf New Life
Waine Martin is present and apologizes for missing the last board meeting regarding community group funding requests. He states that his organization would not exist without the Township’s support. They have worked in the jail for three years trying to reduce recidivism, but the pressing need is to have help available for people when they are released. New Leaf New Life offers a continuum of care for these individuals and in the last few months alone, has helped 125 clients. They help furnish clothing and toiletries, and help locate housing and jobs for people recently released from incarceration. Because the scope of their organization has far exceeded their expectations, their budget has doubled since they opened, and this year had to raise $14,000 more than last year because they had to extend hours for a paid manager/caseworker. Next year they will be in same situation, only one grant they received this year will not be available next year.
Jack asks if they have been able to find extra space off-site for clothing (as they had been struggling with space issues in their Walnut Street site). Waine states that they have been continually reconfiguring the space they have available and have solved this issue for now. They are still looking for space for a bicycle repair center though. New Leaf New Life has one paid staffer in their community space, and one in the jail. New Leaf New Life also got grants for state jobs training for 2-3 additional workers who were paid by the state this year. Dan also noted that Waine won the community’s Be More Volunteer of the Year award this year for his work with New Leaf New Life.
Presentation for Boys and Girls Club
Jeff Baldwin is present and apologizes for not appearing for the previous meeting as well. He states he has zero expectations for their funding request, but appreciates the opportunity to speak to the board anyway about what the Club is working on currently. He states that the Boys and Girls Club is currently in the silent phase of a significant capital campaign for two key projects. They plan to completely renovate and expand their operation on Lincoln Street, and also will be building a club in the Crestmont area. These are big tasks to pull off but they are absolutely committed to doing so. Their goal is to combat the lack of support many kids face at home during the summer and school breaks. Last year alone they had 85 interns working 10-25 hours per week. Right now in the Crestmont area they are working out of a duplex and serve 40 students there. This is a crucial area they are trying to reach, as 60% of kids in the Fairview area will not graduate high school.
The first phase of their renovation has begun with the purchase of 803 N. Monroe Street. Catholic Charities is providing counseling services to people there currently and are renting 1/3 of that space from Boys and Girls Club and will continue to do so. Jeff also states they plan to move the administrative staff to that building (the staff had been at the Lincoln Street address since the 1960s). Phase 2 will see the Crestmont Club built and Phase 3 will see all the Boys and Girls Club kids attending the Crestmont Club while the Lincoln Street address is renovated.
This project will cost $6 million, and $2 million has been secured thus far. They anticipate securing the next $4 million in the next few months. Their request for the Township, however, is the same as in years past. They are requesting $3,000 to support transportation from local schools to the clubs. They own 4 busses, 2 vans, and 2 mini buses.
Awarding of Community Grants
See the corresponding excel sheet.
Approval/Acceptance of the 2016 Budget
The levy and tax rates need to be read into the minutes. The board is given a handout of the Ordinance or Resolution for Appropriations and Tax Rates.
The Rainy Day fund has a budget of $0 and tax levy of 0.000
The General fund has an adopted budget of $428,120, adopted tax levy of $147,069, and an adopted tax rate of 0.0064.
The Debt Service fund has a budget of $0 and a tax levy of 0.000.
The Township Assistance fund has an adopted budget of $616,700, an adopted tax levy of $425,000, and an adopted tax rate of 0.0185.
The total adopted budget is $1,044,820, the total adopted tax levy is $572,069, and the total adopted tax rate is 0.0249.
Barb asks for comments or questions and there are none. Barb moves to pass the poor relief and form 17. Jack seconds the motion and all vote in favor
Bug Room
The Township came in $5,000 under budget running the shelter this year. We have also identified that the shelter needs a bug room, to prevent the spread of bed bugs in the shelter. Architect Sherman Bynum will have drywall plans to convert an existing room into a bug room with the saved money. Dan will bring the plans back to the board if it exceeds $2,000.
Parking Lot
Sherman Bynum also has been contacted about making plans for the parking lot, which is in poor condition. He will have plans in next couple months for that, and will also look at green space options in those plans too.
Community Sheltering Project
The Township will pay for shelter expenses through the end of this week. After that, the shelter will be audited and the United Way will step in to pay shelter expenses with the funding received from Bloomington Township and the City of Bloomington..
The Township has one computer to replace on the computer replacement schedule.
Barb adjourned the meeting at 4:41pm.