Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: Tuesday, October 17, 2023
The meeting is called to order at 12:00 pm
Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Susie Hamilton, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Sharon Yoder, Branden Surigao, Forrest Gilmore, William Morris
- Friend's Place Property
- Facility Use
- Easement
- Holidays
Friend's Place Property
The first proposal for Friend's Place is to shift it over to a women's facility in response to Wheeler Mission closing their women's facility in Bloomington. The second proposal is dealing with the timeline for closing down Friend's Place and what the Trustee's office will be doing with Friend's Place once it closes. Since Wheeler closed their women's facility Friend's Place has become the only over night shelter for Women. The shelter is currently split half and half men and women. If the need continues to rise, they would need to transfer the men to Wheeler and open those beds up to women. The solution at this time is to allow the number of beds for women to go up to 24 and the number of beds for men to be 16 and reapproach the issue at a later time if needed. The board agrees with this change. The board starts to discuss what might be possibly done with the building once Friend's Place moves, however it will be at least another year or two before Friend's Place will be able to move so the board decides they will look into this matter further at a later date.
Facility Use
The board was given a copy for a possible policy for meeting room facility uses. William and the board discuss these policies and the wording within these policies. The board and Dan gave William some corrections and additions to make within the policy. The board decides to wait until they have the revised policy before they vote on it. The board was also given a policy concerning the usage of the Township property and behaviors occurring within/on the property. The board, Dan, and William discuss this policy and changes that need to be made. The board will vote on this policy as well once it has been revised.
The owner of the property next to the cemetery has not yet built the wall, however he does have the stone ordered and it should be built by Thanksgiving. William presents the board with the easement that was placed upon the property that has the specific details concerning the wall maintenance as well as the grounds maintenance that was agreed to and signed by the property owner. The only change that the board wishes to make is that the owner be given a deadline on having the wall built. Dan also wants a clause that states if the property owner or any future property owners fail to keep up with the conditions that would cause issues. The board votes to approve the easement with the contingency of adding the two new items, Barb motions to approve, Susie seconds, all agree.
The board was given the list of county holidays. This year also includes solar eclipse day. Barb motions to approve the holidays, Susie seconds the motion, all agree.