Perry Township Board Meeting Minutes: Wednesday, November 16, 2022
The meeting is called to order at 4:15 pm
Members Present: Jack Davis, Barb Sturbaum, Susie Hamilton, Dan Combs
Non-Members Present: Sharon Yoder, Pat Combs, Branden Surgiao
- Copy Machine
- Shelter Repairs
- Guidelines
- Other
Copy Machine
The main copy machine in the office has been repaired several times and beyond repair at this point and still having issues. The board was given two different proposals for new copiers for the main office. Branden recommends the upgraded version of the current copy machine the office has now over the other option. Barb moves to proceed with the purchase, Susie seconds the motion, all agree.
Shelter Repairs
On the back of the shelter there is a single access door that goes to a storage area. The walkway has become too dangerous to walk across and needs to be replaced. The board was given a quote for the repair to the decking as well as what the repair would entail. The board then acknowledged that they received the quote for these repairs. The fencing also has started rotting and needs replaced. The company hired to replace the fence in May never started the work and was let go from their contract. The board will be given two new quotes for the fence repairs. The board acknowledges that these quotes will be coming hopefully in the next week.
Dan wants to update the workfare guideline. Barb motioned to approve to update the guideline, Suzy second, all approve. Dan also went over the rent levels and income guidelines versus the poverty guidelines. He wants to use the 150% poverty levels as a basis. Barb moves to allow, Susie seconds the motion all agree.
The township has had issues with people camping around the dumpsters. The recycling and trash pickup has not been able to pickup regularly due to this. Recently our recycling dumpster was picked up and was full of used syringes and contaminated the whole pickup. This is following a fire that was started in the back area. The current plan is to call the police to have them escorted off the property and get identifications and file restraining orders against the individuals for 60 days. The board also discussed future options to prevent these things from happening again.
Meeting was concluded at 5:45 pm.